Friday, June 21, 2013

It's a Small Vegan World

I love that veganism is growing and changing to include more and more people, but I have to say that it's also pretty amazing what a small world it still is.

Just this week, through social media groups for vegans, I have seen this come together.

First, I was making banana bread, and when I went to my link in my favorites, the link was gone and I couldn't find the recipe.  Luckily, I remembered that the author of that recipe is married to someone in one of the veg groups I'm a member of, so I took to social media!

Then, I got to ask the creator of one of my favorite websites out there a question about something on the website through a smaller veg group, and she chatted with me like it was nothing.  Totally awesome.

I also promoted a new book by one of my favorite authors, who is technically on my friends list, and she posted a thank you- to me :)

Now, I'm not hanging out with Alicia Silverstone or Woody Harrelson- yet, but it does feel like a small world, like a community.  We can't all live in Portland where we are surrounded by fellow vegans and just live life in our own way, so the internet really does bridge the gap between us all so that we have a sense of likeminded community even though the miles and state lines separate us.

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